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Take the guesswork out of hiring with the ChristianJobs Biblical Candidate Assessment.

The ChristianJobs Biblical Candidate Assessment will aid your hiring team in identifying the following key traits in your candidates:

  1. Communication tendencies
  2. Predictable behaviors
  3. Environmental preferences
  4. Leadership potential
  5. Decision-making abilities

Streamline your recruiting process with this tool to help you to determine the best person for the job. Identify who may or may not be an ideal match for your organization and gather information you will never see on a resume or even learn in the most candid interview. Use this assessment with your existing staff to take your team performance to the next level!

Upgrade Your Hiring Practices with the ChristianJobs Biblical DISC Candidate Assessment Today!
10 Biblical Candidate Assessments

20 Biblical Candidate Assessments

30 Biblical Candidate Assessments
