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7 Characteristics of a Perfect Resume

By August 19, 2021December 10th, 2022Job Search, Resume Tips

7. Don’t Lie:

This seems like a no-brainer but people do it all the time. Don’t list experience on your resume that you don’t have. It’s so tempting to make yourself fit the requirements of a job opening but lying will only come back to hurt you later. Always.

6. Be Results-Oriented:

Employers don’t want to hear about the little everyday tasks you did at your last job, they want to hear what goals or accomplishments you, or the company, achieved through that hard work.

5. Don’t Waste Space:

Be organized and concise. You have one piece of paper to make a first impression (two if you include a cover letter), make that page work hard for you. It’s great to be original but keep in mind, every word on that page has one job: to impress an employer.

4. Be Specific:

Just like every other candidate, you are highly qualified for the job but to stand out, be clear in the results you produced for your company. For example, an employer would rather hire someone who “increased church attendance by 15%” versus someone who “increased church attendance.”

3. Take Advantage of Key Words:

Your resume should include “power words” to highlight your experience and achievements. These are action-oriented words like, managed, led, organized, etc. The best place to find the right “power words”: job posts. Read through the job you are applying for and tailor your resume to match the language of the post. *Without plagiarizing or lying.

2. Watch Out for Errors:

We know you hear this constantly but its extremely important, check your resume for spelling and grammatical errors. Did you check it? Check it again. And again. And again. No matter how qualified you are for a position, an error will automatically ruin any sort of good impression you have made.

1. Get Help:

Resumes represent who you are to the hiring world. The only way to ensure you are putting your best foot forward is to get help from a professional resume writer. Don’t miss out on the job of a lifetime because of simple resume errors that a professional can easily fix.

Learn more about how ChristianJobs can help you better your resume here.