You started off excited, anticipating the best year yet. You were looking for a new ministry option where you could fulfill your calling. Maybe it was for another reason. You wanted to change jobs, church, city, or even state. The reason is not essential for now. The best is yet to come, you told yourself. You hyped yourself up. You got ready. You updated your resume. You were confident in your interview. And then, you didn’t get the job
You may have received the news in one of three ways. An email was sent, or even a letter. It could have been a (very) short phone call or Zoom meeting. Or the worst possible way, you’ve been “ghosted.” The turndown is an unhappy and unpleasant feeling. The sting of rejection, feeling of failure, or not being enough are hard pills to swallow.
So what happened? To figure out why you didn’t get the job, let’s consider a few very important factors.
The Employer’s Side
First off, the employer, interviewer, or even the recruiting agency doesn’t have to give you the detailed answer you want. I know, it’s displeasing, if not troublesome. You can fill in with your preferred adjective here!
This part is frustrating, but it is important to remember that the employer knows exactly what candidate the company needs. Unfortunately, if you are not the one they’re looking for, they have the right to choose someone else.
If you do get an answer, it’s usually a reason like,
- “We are taking another direction”
- “Though your resume stands out, we will be searching for other candidates”
- “We’re looking for someone whose experience/capacities/education fit better with our culture”
You get the gist. Yet, before you ask for reasons you haven’t been chosen, consider taking another step.
As painful as this measure can be, it is necessary to look back at the process and ask yourself some tough questions. And give yourself honest answers.
Were Your Documents Well Prepared?
Was your resume or any other document written without any grammatical errors? If not, that is something you can correct easily.
Did You Meet The Requirements?
Did you have all the requirements the organization coveted? Your Bachelor’s degree may be outstanding, but perhaps they were looking for someone with a Master’s. If you didn’t have their fundamental essentials, you partly have your explanation there.
Were You Prepared for the Interview?
Were you prepared for questions? Most of the time, the questions tend to be the same for each interview. You need to have an elevator pitch about yourself and your accomplishments. Were you ready to highlight your competencies and achievements with clarity and brevity?
Did You Make a Connection?
Did you connect with the people you met over the phone, online, or in person? Connection is an absolute necessity. That invisible bond is different from just being able to talk with the interviewer. It’s about building rapport, and you would be aware if it was there or not.
Additional Steps
You can surf the organization’s website to discover who they finally hired. This might sting a little bit, but you’ll be able to uncover some of the reasons for not being chosen. Was there a gap in the education, skill set, and experience between you and the chosen candidate? There’s part of the answer.
Read again the refusal note you received or recall the last conversations. The interviewer possibly let some information leak. Listen carefully to what they wrote or said; it will be important in your official ask for a reason.
Last but not least, be okay, really okay, with their decision. This is a must for you if you want to keep searching for other opportunities. It is the employer’s decision and not being chosen doesn’t mean that you are incapable or incompetent. This rejection is a choice on their part and even if it hurts, it does not have to affect your sense of calling and self-worth.
How to Ask Why You Didn’t Get the Job
The next step is to reach out to your contact in the interview process. An email will suffice. Politely ask if it would be possible to get some feedback.
The key is the wording you use. Assemble your words so that you’re asking for feedback for your personal growth. It’s not about questioning their judgment; it’s about using their knowledge for your betterment. You do have to understand that the employer does not owe you an answer, but many will give you some food for thought.
The second part of asking is to formulate your question into something specific: Can you give me feedback on my interview? won’t cut it.
What exactly do you want to know? Why weren’t you hired? They have potentially told you in the form of “searching in another direction” or “we’re looking for a candidate that suits better our requirements.”
When You Ask, Be Gracious
There are character traits you can decide to put forward when you don’t get the job. After all, your good character will always follow you wherever you go.
However, if you find out you haven’t been selected, choose gratefulness and positivity over bitterness and resentment. You do so by showing godly character in four aspects:
- Be thankful to the organization for letting you know of their decision. Remember, some employers don’t respond or reach out to inform candidates.
- Mention you are grateful for their time and consideration. You may not like the end result, but still, they invested time and energy to find out if it could work with you.
- Bring positive remarks about the quality of questions, interviewers, or even the process. Why, you ask? Not only will this help you prevent showing resentment but could also allow you to leave good impression so that should open up, they’ll remember you and consider you.
- Last, show appreciation for the organization and its people. You can even wish them success in their continued search.
Examples of How To Ask Why You Didn’t Get the Job
Below are a few examples you can use to ask why you didn’t get the job:
Example 1
“To whom it may concern, thank you for allowing me the opportunity to meet you and know your organization better. It gave me a glimpse of the good work you accomplish at XYZ. As I continue my job search to find the best fit, could you tell me 1 or 2 things I can improve to be considered for such a role? I will certainly take to heart your feedback as I want to be the best (insert job title here) possible. Thank you for your time and guidance.”
Example 2
“Dear [Name], thank you for keeping me in the loop of your hiring process. Though the result is not what I desired, I appreciate the opportunity I had to connect with you and the organization. In the spirit of growth, I would certainly make good use of any feedback you could give me on skills I can improve to become a better candidate.”
Example 3
“Hello [Name], I wanted to share that your diligence in this hiring process has been impeccable. I’m grateful you let me know of your decision. I had the privilege to discover a great ministry within (XYZ organization). If you could provide me feedback on what about my skills or experience made you go with other candidates, it would surely allow me to grow and passionately pursue my calling. Thank you for your time and consideration.”
Prepare For What’s Next
There’s no secret ingredient to discovering why you didn’t get the job. Accept the fact you didn’t, even with the accompanying pain, be grateful to the hiring manager, and smith your words in a way to get feedback. You may not have gotten the job but perhaps you can gain knowledge and feedback to ready yourself for your next interview and land your dream job!
Frequently Asked Questions
Here are some common questions Christian job seekers might ask:
1. How long should I wait before reaching out for feedback?
It’s generally respectful to wait about a week after receiving a rejection before contacting the hiring manager for feedback. This shows professionalism and patience while allowing the employer to complete any final steps with the chosen candidate.
2. Can I apply to the same organization again after being rejected?
Yes, reapplying can be a good option, especially if you’ve acquired new skills or experiences since the last application. Tailor your application to highlight these updates and show your dedication to the role.
3. How should I maintain connections with interviewers after a rejection?
Consider sending a polite LinkedIn connection request or email expressing your interest in future opportunities. Staying in touch professionally can keep you on their radar for future openings.
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