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13 Resources Every Christian Leader Didn’t Know They Needed

By August 19, 2022December 10th, 2022Christian Business Leadership
resources for the christian leader

Leaders all know this: you don’t know what you don’t know. Once you’ve learned it, though, it can become a game changer! That’s why we need to constantly grow as leaders and lean on the many resources available to us! These 13 resources every Christian leader didn’t know they needed are essential and will help with all aspects of leadership, teamwork, growth, and creating a positive work culture. 


Are you looking for new podcasts? Need new guidance or advice? When you’re looking for your next resource, this is the place to go.


You can search for what you’re looking for and get a list of possibilities. Blogs, podcasts, magazines, you name it. Feedspot will give you some results. 


Most leaders I know wish there was an eighth day in the week. Or 25 hours in a day. As you well know, this is not about to happen. It’s often a juggling act to do everything you need to do in a week. If you can manage the time you’re allotted better, you’ll be more productive. 

2. ClickUp App

 “All of your work in one place: tasks, docs, chat, goals, & more.”

Scheduling your time is such a priority. The apostle Paul says in Ephesians 5:15-17, “Be very careful, then, how you live—not as unwise but as wise, making the most of every opportunity, because the days are evil. Therefore do not be foolish, but understand what the Lord’s will is.” (NIV

This app will allow you to do just that, make every minute count. As long as you’re disciplined about it! You can even have teammates come alongside you on certain projects, and this would simplify the needed follow-up.

3. Calendly App  

Have you ever played the most annoying game of all: meeting tag? You know you send a text or email to try to book a time with someone by asking for availability only to discover they don’t match yours! Then you send a second text or email…this can go on for a long time! Once you set up Calendly and your calendar availability, you can send people your link to book a meeting. Easy as 1-2-3. Stop playing that game and be productive.  

EXTRA: You can also check out these time management tips.


These tools will transform how you work. One will help you find affordable freelancers for those tricky tasks, the other will generate less paper and help your memory, another will allow you to talk as much as you want and as little as needed, and lastly, an app that will design and organize your thoughts. 

4. UpWork 

This service is, by no stretch of the imagination, a religious ministry. Upwork is a network of talented freelance workers. If you need some help with letter writing, org chart mapping, or other important tasks, you’ll find someone here that can do that for an affordable amount.  

5. The reMarkable Tablet 

Do you tend to lose paper notes? Maybe you attend a webinar, take notes and lose them. Remarkable will solve that. Replace paper with digital paper. You use a pen and take notes on a tablet so light you won’t even grow weary holding it. It even feels like writing on paper! Studies prove that writing helps you memorize material way more than typing it. 

6. Dragon Speech to Text  

If you’re one of these people that think and talk faster than you can type, this little piece of ingenuity needs to become part of your toolbox. You talk, Dragon types for you. It takes a few days to master the app, but it is worth it. You can speak to text emails, text, papers, notes, and the list goes on. 

7. Mindly App  

I’ve met many leaders who have phenomenal ideas but can’t get them out of their heads or have some difficulty articulating them. Mindly will do that with you. Let them help you “Organize your inner universe.”


The world and society change at breathtaking speeds nowadays. It’s almost impossible to keep current on trends, worldviews, culture, and how they intersect with faith. If you feel this is your case, go check these resources out. If you believe you’re ok, it probably means you absolutely need to visit both of them! Perhaps this isn’t a category of resources every Christian leader didn’t know they needed, but it cannot be overlooked!

8. Q Ideas 

Based on the idea that by “equipping Christian leaders to renew the way they believe, think and act in regard to culture, we can increase the positive and ameliorating effect Christianity has on society,” Q will challenge you to grow. The Bible talks about some men of the tribe of Issachar, “men who understood the times, with knowledge of what Israel should do” (1 Chronicles 12:32 NASB). They understood what was going on and what to do about it. Q will help you with this. 

9. Relevant Magazine 

This magazine, which can be purchased in paper or digital format, also has a free website where you can scroll through excellent articles on faith, cultural life and social justice. It is definitely worth the read.  


The next 2 resources you didn’t know you needed aren’t exactly anonymous. Some are even more known than the Pope! Leaders are learners. So, you can never underestimate the power of learning something new. 

10. Masterclass  

You may not need chef Gordon Ramsay telling you how to make the perfect mashed potatoes (actually, maybe you do!) But what if Malcolm Gladwell taught you how to write stories? It would make sense for you to invest $15/month to have access to world-class and prominent leaders to teach you their art.  

11. YouTube 

Yes, Youtube. Maybe you’ve heard of it. You can follow leaders and speakers by choosing your channels In addition, you can learn how to do anything! Yes. Anything! Can’t figure out how to upload a document on your new work platform? YouTube it. Need some tips on that difficult work project. YouTube it. Go for it. It’s free.


So many things are written on leadership. I just want to add my little option on two resources you need.

12. Leadercast Now 

When Leadercastnow promotes that they can be “your comprehensive source of leadership development resources, inspirational messages, and insights from today’s most impactful leaders, authors, and coaches.”, they mean it. Conferences, articles, you name it. 1100+ resources. That should convince you. 

13. Maxwell Leadership

John Maxwell is one of the most well-known Christian leaders. On his site, you can access blogs, workshops, and networking opportunities to help develop your leadership. If you want to grow in leadership, here is a great place to start!

Resources are essential to leadership development. You can’t possibly have everything you need on your own. In the end, there are many resources every Christian leader didn’t know they needed. It’s important to utilize outside help and resources to help with your weak spots or areas of growth. Keep in mind that when you use a resource to help in your leadership and work needs, you are freeing space for you to be fully engaged in the things that matter most. These 13 resources are not meant to make you work harder, but they are here to help you work and lead smarter.