Christian leadership has the potential to bring value to any organization. Examples from the Old Testament, like Daniel and Joseph, demonstrate how their faith and integrity led to promotions in nations that did not share their religious beliefs. Even in challenging environments, they thrived due to their performance. Leaders, regardless of their religious background, can learn from these individuals. Seeking to do God’s will rather than personal gain opens doors and invites favor.
Christians who serve in secular workplaces should recognize their calling and the potential for significant impact. With the Holy Spirit dwelling within them, Christians are empowered to lead with integrity and character. The objective is to leave a job in a better state than when they started. So, how can Christian leaders achieve this?
Here are 8 vital components of leadership in the workplace for Christians:
1. Servant Leadership Over Successful Leadership
Christians see the model of Christ as a servant leader. He served everyone around him. The watershed moment was when he washed the feet of his disciples. For the world, a sign of success is when others serve the leader, but Jesus’ model showed the leader serving others. A Christian leader must model servant leadership by putting others and the organization ahead of themselves.
It takes humility to care about others more than yourself, but this is what must be done. Successful leadership is concerned only about climbing the ladder at any cost. Servant leadership is about serving others at any cost. In Mark 10:35-45, Jesus explains to his disciples the importance of serving others. If even the Son of man came to serve others, then surely we should also be able to.
2. Lead by Elevating Others
Another critical component is that the Christian leader leads by elevating others and finding ways to help others get opportunities and grow. The goal of the leader isn’t to see their greatest potential fulfilled but to see each one in their organization reach their fullest potential.
A Christian leader can elevate others by giving them a platform. The current secular generation is all about creating their platforms and brands. Rarely do they use their platform to elevate others but rather they keep it to themselves.
Like Christ, the Christian leader will create platforms for others to use their gifts and flourish.
3. Integrity Speaks Louder Than Words
There is a high call to integrity as followers of Christ, especially Christian leaders. Great leaders don’t lead with words first but with their lifestyle first and foremost.
As Andy Stanley said in his book Next Generation Leader, “Be a leader worth following.” This happens when a leader puts character and integrity at the top of their lifestyle list.
Character is created by many small moments of integrity-based decisions but can be destroyed in just one action. This is why Christian leaders must focus on character first.
4. See the Potential in Others
One of the greatest aspects of Jesus was His ability to look past someone’s history or current conditions and see who they could become. Throughout the Gospels we see Jesus restoring His disciples who failed or empowering the Woman at the Well to share the message of Messiah with her community.
This should be another critical component of Christian leadership in the workplace. Almost every story of someone successful has had someone who believed in them when no one else would. Seeing potential in someone is one of the greatest gifts that can be given.
5. Know There is Something Bigger at Stake
There is something bigger at stake than just an individual Christian’s reputation – it is the reputation of Christ. People may never read a Gospel but will observe the life of a Christian who claims to have been redeemed through the Gospel. Many individuals do not reject Christianity itself, but rather a distorted version they have encountered through followers of Christ. They may not have any qualms with Jesus but, due to negative experiences with His followers, they are hesitant to embrace Him.
Therefore, Christian leaders should recognize that it is not solely their reputation that is on the line, but rather the reputation of Christ himself.
6. Work Ethic should Mirror Excellence
Everyone has a person at their workplace who cuts corners, has excuses of why they are always late and doesn’t perform up to the standard that is required. They are mediocre at best.
This should never be the Christian, and especially the Christian that is in leadership. They should model excellence and have their excellence should be a mirror that others can use as the gold standard in the workplace.
8. Work Is a Mission Field
Finally, and most importantly, a Christian leader in the workplace should remember that it is their personal mission field. So, the Christian leader must not use their place of employment just for a paycheck or to climb the corporate ladder. They should remember that God sovereignly placed them there to be a living example of Jesus to people who desperately need the Gospel.
A Higher Standard
Christian leaders have a higher standard. They have a greater calling than just making money. A Christian leader should strive for an exemplary life and fully utilize every opportunity to make a positive impact.
By implementing these 8 critical components in the workplace, leaders can expect to see results. These results include people witnessing the leader’s integrity, having someone who supports their success, and leaving a lasting legacy.
The ultimate legacy transcends time, one where seeds are planted and nurtured, and individuals come to find faith through the leader’s influence in the workplace.
Frequently Asked Questions
Here are some common questions Christian employers might ask:
1. What is the significance of servant leadership in Christian leadership?
Servant leadership, modeled by Christ, focuses on serving others over personal success. It encourages leaders to prioritize the growth and well-being of their team and organization rather than self-promotion.
2. How can Christian leaders foster integrity in the workplace?
Christian leaders should lead by example, demonstrating integrity through consistent actions that align with their beliefs. Small decisions of character build trust and influence over time.
3. Why should work be viewed as a mission field for Christians?
For Christians, the workplace is an opportunity to live out their faith, showing Christ’s love and integrity. This perspective elevates work beyond personal gain and helps spread positive spiritual influence.
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