Hiring someone new to your organization is exciting but can also stir up some concerns and fear. Will they fit in with the rest of the staff? Will they be happy and fulfilled? Are they going to catch our culture? How long will it take for them to be fully onboarded? Thankfully there are resources and strategies available that can help new hires. These resources emphasize strength, success, and confidence, while also streamlining the onboarding process to foster long-term success. Here is a list of 10 Essential New Hire Resources that will set up your new employees for long-term success.
Essential New Hire Resources
1. New Hire Welcome Packet
Having a welcome packet makes a new hire feel seen and valued. You can customize the welcome packet to be whatever you want it to be. A lot of welcome packets will include some type of handwritten card, note, or letter from the lead pastor, CEO, or key leader. The notes will also include all the information they need to know about as they get started. To make it more personal and fun, you can include a gift or some gift cards. This can be anything from church-branded items like a shirt or a hat, or something more general like a fun coffee mug or some gift cards. Having a welcome packet sets the right tone for your new employee.
2. New Hire Onboarding Manual & Checklist
Another essential resource is an onboarding manual along with a checklist. Onboarding manuals will include a schedule for their first two weeks, important up-and-coming dates, and a brief overview of what they will need to focus on as they get started. Adding a checklist will help the new employee know exactly what their expectation is and what they need to accomplish as they begin. The checklist can include,
- A software overview
- Getting with HR to get their pay set up
- Going through all the benefits
- Setting up their computer and technology
- Any important meetings they need to have with key team members and employees.
Having an onboarding manual and checklist will help your new hires know what’s expected of them so that they can hit the ground running as they integrate with your organization.
3. Company Culture Booklet
Give a copy of your company culture booklet to help your new hires become acquainted with their new work environment. If you do not have a company culture booklet or something like that, you need to get one. This will include the organization’s mission, vision, values, and how those translate to behaviors. It also includes what’s most important to the organization and defines what a win for everyone looks like. Company culture booklets should include a brief story on how the organization started. Your new hires will want to know what the culture feels like and how they can become a participating member of that culture from day one.
4. Company Events Calendar
Another great resource to include is all of the company’s important dates and events. New hires will want to know if there are blackout dates, special company events, expected conferences
and travel, or anything that may be outside of regular working hours. This allows your new hire to plan their personal calendar, vacations, and family time around the important events and dates for the organization. This will be a win for the new hire and their family.
5. IT Set Up Meeting
One aspect of onboarding a new employee that can be easily overlooked is getting all of their computers, logins, company email, and software set up. Set a meeting with your IT department and your new hire on the first day. This will allow them to get acquainted with all the software and systems they need to do their job. Go the extra mile by having your IT department not only set everything up but also walk them through best practices and how-to’s for each software and system. This allows your new employee to get comfortable quickly with your specific systems so that they can do their job effectively quickly.
6. HR Package
Providing an H.R. package will proactively answer any questions your new hire may have. The H.R. package should include all their benefits, like your company’s pay cycle and paid time off policies.
The HR package is a great start, but this should also include a scheduled meeting with an HR representative. During this meeting, the HR representative can go over everything with the new hire so they can get their bank account set up for pay and enroll in any benefits. This also gives your new employee the opportunity to ask HR any clarifying questions. This isn’t the most “fun” part of the onboarding process, but this resource is necessary and valuable to new employees.
7. Company Directory
Providing a company directory with an emergency contact list allows your new employee to clearly see who is a part of the organization and what role they are in. This is an easy way for your new employee to familiarize themselves with their new colleagues.
Some company directories can be viewed online. They can include pictures, employees’ birthday dates, work anniversaries, personality profiles, and likes and dislikes.
8. Team Meet & Greet
Scheduling a team meet and greet is another great resource to help your new hire feel comfortable with their new co-workers and colleagues. You can set up two different meet and greets. The first can be with the leadership team, and the second with the team they will be working with.
An easy way to make it fun and casual is to have a lunch meet and greet. This is a simple way that gives time and space for your new employee to get to know everyone on a personal level. Meet and greets instill trust and familiarity in a safe environment which builds a safe work environment that fosters quick collaboration.
9. Books and Podcasts
Providing a list of important books and podcasts is also a great resource that will set up your new hire for success. Some companies have “essential” books that helped shape the organization’s philosophy or practices. Provide a copy of these books so that your new hire can understand where those philosophies and strategies come from. Give them a list of recommended leadership podcasts that the staff listen to on a regular basis to enhance what is trying to be accomplished within the organization. Providing these books and podcast resources will help your new employee be successful in their new job.
10. Local Area Guide
If your new hire is relocating for this position, a local area guide will help serve their family. This local area guide should include local schools, private schools, daycares, dentists, doctors, hospitals, restaurants, and fun things to do in the area. This removes some anxiety and uncertainty when moving to a new location for a job. Winning the employee over is great, but if you can also win their family over, that’s an even bigger win.
Let Your New Hire Start with Confidence
The goal of these resources is to make your new hire feel comfortable with the company as quickly as possible so that they can hit the ground running and be effective in their new role. Every employer and new employee wants one another to be successful. Use these resources and tools and you are setting everyone up for a win.
Frequently Asked Questions
Here are some common questions Christian employers might ask:
1. How long should an effective onboarding process last?
Ideally, onboarding should continue beyond the first few days, lasting at least 90 days to support full integration and productivity.
2. What are some common mistakes to avoid during the onboarding process?
Failing to provide clear communication, overwhelming new hires with information, or neglecting ongoing support can hinder a new hire’s success.
3. How can companies foster strong relationships between new hires and their teams?
Encouraging open communication, regular check-ins, and team-building activities can help new hires bond with their colleagues.
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