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Career Assessment – 5 Tough Questions to Ask Yourself

tough questions

What do you want to be when you grow up? That’s the question all of us have been asked (and probably hundreds of times). When you’re young, you think about exciting jobs like a police officer or a veterinarian. As we get older and begin our adult lives; however, priorities, interests, and realities begin to shift. For some, it’s as simple as choosing a career path, going to college, and then starting in that career path. In reality, though, many of us arrive at a place in life that can feel surprising. We aren’t quite sure how we got here. We can find ourselves in career positions we didn’t ask for or possibly don’t even want. How did this happen? This is when our internal career assessment begins. Am I doing what I want to be doing? Is this job sustainable long-term? The questions are endless. Here are 5 tough career assessment questions to ask yourself:

1. Am I truly passionate about my work?

Let’s face it, there are jobs, and then there are vocations fueled by passion. This is perhaps the most crucial question to consider when evaluating your career. By choosing a job that doesn’t ignite your passion, you may inadvertently set yourself on a less fulfilling professional path. Passion is the driving force behind our actions. It’s what motivates us to leap out of bed each morning. Many of us yearn to make a meaningful impact on the world around us. Renowned U.S. soccer player Mia Hamm once said, “If you don’t love what you do, you won’t do it with much conviction or passion.” As you evaluate your career, reflect on what truly ignites your passion. If you find yourself not doing work that you genuinely love and feel passionate about, it might be time to consider making a change.

2. Does my career align with the person I am becoming?

Considering the following questions is essential for career reflection and personal development. Firstly, think about who you aspire to be. This involves reflecting on the qualities, values, and characteristics that you admire in others and wish to embody in yourself. Next, envision the kind of life you see for yourself in the future. This can include your personal, professional, and overall lifestyle goals. It’s important to assess whether your current lifestyle and actions align with these aspirations. If they don’t, it’s crucial to identify the reasons behind this misalignment. Additionally, consider what profession or career path would best support your long-term objectives and personal growth. While our jobs don’t entirely define us, they do contribute significantly to our sense of identity and fulfillment. Therefore, it’s essential to pursue a career that resonates with the person you aspire to become.

3. Am I growing and learning new skills?

Growth is a fundamental aspect of life, essential from birth. As infants and children, we undergo rapid physical and cognitive development, constantly acquiring new skills and knowledge. However, as we transition into adulthood, growth becomes more intentional and necessitates active effort.

Renowned industrialist Henry Ford once said, “Anyone who stops learning is old, whether at twenty or eighty. Anyone who keeps learning stays young. The greatest thing in life is to keep your mind young.” This timeless wisdom emphasizes the importance of lifelong learning and personal growth. It reminds us that staying open to new experiences and knowledge is crucial for maintaining a youthful and vibrant mindset.

When considering your current career, it’s important to assess whether it offers opportunities for personal and professional growth. Are you consistently challenged and encouraged to expand your skills and capabilities? If not, it may be time to reconsider your career path and seek new opportunities that align with your growth aspirations.

For those who started their careers at a young age, it’s common to outgrow roles and responsibilities that once seemed challenging. If you no longer feel adequately challenged or engaged in your current position, it could be a sign that you are ready for a new chapter that offers greater opportunities for growth and development.

4. Do I feel valued and recognized at work?

Recognizing the significance of encouragement and feeling valued in our professional lives cannot be emphasized enough. While it’s important not to depend solely on external validation, understanding that our hard work is acknowledged is crucial for our overall well-being. If you consistently find yourself feeling undervalued and ignored in your current job, it might be an indication that it’s not the right fit for you. It’s not just about receiving constant accolades and praise, but rather about sensing that your contributions are truly making a significant impact. Passion plays a pivotal role in career decisions, and feeling like you’re effecting change is essential. Take a moment to introspect and evaluate whether your presence and work genuinely hold value in your current position, as this introspection can be influential in shaping your career path.

5. Is my work-life balance sustainable?

It’s important to remember that our lives are about more than just work. While our careers are important and meaningful, it’s crucial to consider what kind of life we are creating outside of our professional endeavors. Take a moment to reflect on your work-life balance. Are you able to sustain a healthy equilibrium between your personal and professional life? Are you able to dedicate quality time to your family and loved ones? Do you have the opportunity to pursue personal interests and hobbies outside of your career? As Dolly Parton once wisely said, “Don’t get so busy making a living that you forget to make a life.”

In conclusion, the question “What do you want to be when you grow up?” evolves significantly as we progress through life. Our childhood dreams often give way to more significant considerations shaped by our experiences, priorities, and changing interests. As adults, we may find ourselves in careers that do not necessarily align with our passions or aspirations. It’s crucial to periodically reassess our career paths to ensure they are fulfilling and sustainable.

By asking ourselves tough questions we can gain clarity about our professional satisfaction and direction. These reflections are not just about finding a job that pays the bills, but about pursuing a career that resonates with our true selves and contributes positively to our overall well-being. 

Ultimately, our careers are a significant part of our lives, but they should not define us entirely. Striving for a balance where work complements our personal growth and happiness is essential. As we navigate our professional journeys, being mindful of our needs and aspirations can help us make informed decisions that lead to a more fulfilling and balanced life.