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Interview Advice

Get helpful advice and tips for interviewing well from our Christian job search articles and resources.

Prayer hands placed over an open Bible.Interview AdviceJob Search

15 Prayers for Your Job Interview

A job interview can be a stressful moment for many. Understandably. Depending on how well that goes, it could determine your next ministerial move. It went great? You’re either getting a promotion at your church or you’re moving on to another one, perhaps in a different city. Many changes occur…
March 16, 2022
Interview AdviceJob Search

4 Tips to Succeed in Your Virtual Interview

An in-person interview comes with a certain amount of stress. But when your interview is scheduled online, there are even more components to consider when you prepare. The importance of making a good impression in an interview cannot be understated. To help you make the best impression, here are a…
February 4, 2022