Multnomah University

Portland, Oregon -

If it's Bible you want, then you want Multnomah! Since the 1930s, Multnomah has been teaching the Bible to men and women who want to know more about God and the Christian life. We are committed to keeping the unchanging Word of God central to all we do and teach at Multnomah Bible College, Multnomah Biblical Seminary, and Multnomah Graduate School. Please browse this section of our site to learn more about our core values and mission. We desire to train up students to be a transforming force in their church, community, and world, and we invite you to be a part of that. Visit our President's Corner to see the heartbeat of our leadership. Learn about upcoming speaking engagements featuring our faculty, and discover what is happening in some of our associated ministries. Peruse our news and events section to find out what's happening on campus. Join us in rejoicing at what the Lord is doing in and through this campus!