NorthStar Christian Academy, a non-denominational school, is opening a facility for students in the Fall of 2016 in Alexandria, Minnesota. NorthStar Christian Academy is seeking a Superintendent to lead the way in the mission of truth as the foundation
of all learning. The purpose of the NorthStar Christian Academy is to train students to independently and critically think, while providing students with the opportunity to embrace a Christ centered Biblical worldview as true and as the foundation for learning.
The values of NorthStar Christian Academy are Trust, Servant Leadership, Love, Unity, and Excellence. NorthStar Christian Academy will be located in Alexandria, MN approximately 130 miles northwest of Minneapolis and 100 miles southeast of Fargo. Alexandria’s
message of “easy to get to, hard to leave” translates well to “easy to love, hard to forget.” This beautiful community features a landscape lavish with lakes, bustling with business, and rich in the rewards of a friendly atmosphere.