Bethel World Outreach Church, aka the City of Hope, is an exciting, friendly, serving church. We are comprised of people from more than 45 nations and cultures, committed to building community, strengthening families, producing leaders, and enriching lives.
Our mission is to win the lost at all cost and make as many disciples for Christ as we possible can in our generation. Bethel World Outreach Ministries was founded in August 1990, in the Washington, D.C. metropolitan area with Dr. and Mrs. Darlingston G. Johnson,
as its founding pastors. The first service was held at Blackburn Center, Howard University with 17 persons present. A few months later, the church relocated to the Armory Place in Silver Spring, Maryland, and then in 1992, it moved to 8242-52 Georgia Avenue.
Our growth has been steady and significant. In 2007, we opened a new location in Clarksburg, Maryland (Bethel North), meeting at the Clarksburg High School, to meet the needs of the community in upper Montgomery County. Then in 2009, we acquired and renovated
a YMCA building in the heart of the Montgomery Village Shopping Center in Gaithersburg, Maryland and moved our Clarksburg services there. That facility was called Bethel North. Today, God has blessed Bethel with its current location on 60 Acres of land in
Olney, Maryland, complete with a 68,000 Square Foot educational building and a gymnasium. Today, more than 2500 members from over 51 countries around the world gather weekly. We are reaching out to nations and demonstrating the love of Christ by establishing
local churches in needy areas, conducting evangelistic and revival meetings, building schools, training centers, and clinics, providing humanitarian services to the needy, investing in economic empowerment projects, and developing capable leaders!