Our Father Lutheran Church began in December 1972 when thirty people met with representatives of the Colorado District of the Lutheran Church-Missouri Synod to discuss planting a mission in the greater Walnut Hills area. The first worship service was held on November 11, 1973 in a Greenwood Plaza nightclub. In January 1974, the people decided it was time to organize officially and call a pastor. The name “Our Father” was chosen and Pastor Donald Hinchey was called as pastor. In 1975, a 3.5 acre site was chosen at Peakview and Quebec. Rapid growth resulted in additional worship services, a second pastor, and expansion in areas of education and missional ministries. A new location was needed and Our Father moved to it’s current location on Holly Street in 1984.
After 36 years of dedicated service, Pastor Hinchey retired. In 2012, we welcomed our new Lead Pastor, Pastor Scott Abel. Pastor Nathan Peregoy, was installed as our Associate Pastor in 2014. Our pastors and staff continue to lead an active and growing congregation.
Since the start of Our Father, our congregation has been dedicated to serving others through missional communities, community outreach programs and equipping others in their journey with Christ.