
Wilderness Way Girls Camp
Fair Play, South Carolina, United States
Date Posted: 07/10/2013
Categories: Camp Jobs - Christian Teacher - Church/Ministry - Counseling - Education - House Parent - Missions/Domestic - Other - Social Services - Sports and Recreation
Job Type: Full-Time
Employee Workplace: Unspecified
Job Description:

Wilderness Way Girls Camp is currently looking to fill the position for a Counselor/Teacher.

The counselor/teacher position is the primary position which build relationships with our girls. This person needs to be trustworthy, able to show discernment and judgment, and willing to learn. This position is for a single, female, minimum age of 21 years old who has strong character qualities

Description of Duties anf Responsibilities:
We are one of very few Christian therapeutic wilderness camps for girls. We are a 365 day-a-year camping program tailored to meet the needs of girls who are dealing with past hurts and frustrations in their lives. We ask a lot from staff we hire to help our clients, as our girls have had so little given to them. These staff help influence the lives of a number of girls for the better. Camp is hard work yet it is quite rewarding. Many counselor/teachers grow tremendously in personal, mental, emotional, professional, and spiritual areas of their life. The camp environment helps staff and camper alike to grow to be prepared to meet the challenges ahead of them in life. That said, we ask them to give up themselves and help girls to gain a chance toward hope in life.

It is a five days per week on duty, with two days off each week. When on duty, counselors live in an outdoor campsite with campers. Off-duty housing on property is provided and is considered part of the job. Health insurance is also available. There are a number of school loans (including Perkins), which are able to be deferred and canceled while working with us.

Our Camping Ministry:
Wilderness Way Camp School is a year-round therapeutic wilderness camp for troubled and abused adolescent girls. We are located in Fair Play, South Carolina, on I-85, just across the SC/GA state line.

• Our program seeks to assist troubled adolescent girls (aged 10-17) as they learn better ways of functioning within their home and school situations.
• Our ultimate goals are to help the girls work through emotional issues that cause them trouble and to equip them with problem solving skills so they can go back to their home and live successfully.
• Many of our girls have been abused or molested, and others have been involved in a variety of high-risk behaviors that result in family and scholastic difficulties.
• We are a nondenominational Christian camp, and as part of our program we seek to introduce girls to spiritual truths and principles as presented in the Bible.
• No girl is required to make personal acceptance of our beliefs (indeed, how could one "require" a heart change?); however, it is our conviction that lasting personal change comes only as a result of changes in the heart.
• Our girls come to us from all over the United States, though most tend to come from South Carolina.
• Girls come and go as individuals, though they function in a ten-member, two-counselor group during their stay here.
• The average stay of a girl here is 18 months.

We tend to maintain long term staff as we seek to build a sense of stability in our girls lives. Most of our girls have already faced disproportionate rejection and/or abandonment in their lives. Because our staff tends stay for a while, the girls are better able to form healthy relationships that help them heal.

Staff present and past were interested in a variety of job arenas before they joined us including camping, social service, education, child care, house parent, communication, missions, cooking, sports and recreation. These various types of interests of staff, past and present, have all gone in to helping meet the needs and growth of campers and staff alike.

We consider camp one of the most vital ministries in existence, and our daily goal is to serve the needs of girls and their families, helping them grow into the young women God intends them to be.

Please forward by EMAIL your Resume and Cover Letter to the attention of John Bowman to be consider for the position, thank you.

Is our challenge going to be your new adventure?

About Wilderness Way Girls Camp

A year-round wilderness camping program that focuses on relationships to help the student learn life-wide and character building skills. We use experimental learning, a group process, and adventure trips to help emotionally troubled girls from ages 10-18 grow in problem-solving, responsibility, and self-control to enable them to return and contribute to their homes, schools, and communities. It is a Christ-centered, Biblically-based program that relies on a partnership with the student and family to facilitate a lasting transformation in their attitudes and lives. 
