Job Posting Contact: Mary Bowers
Position Title: Summer Camp Director
Reports to: Michigan Camp Director
Status: Salaried, Full Time, Manager Level
Job Location: Evart, Michigan
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About SpringHill Camps:
SpringHill Camps is a Christian non-denominational camp with locations in Evart, Michigan, Seymour, Indiana, and summer Day Camps in major metropolitan areas currently in Michigan, Indiana, Ohio, and Illinois. As we experience growth in our ministry, we are seeking people who can bring experience, knowledge, energy, and a passion for Jesus to key roles in reaching kids for Christ.
Our purpose is to present the life-changing message of Jesus Christ to children, teens and young adults and to be His agent of change. We see this fulfilled through our mission, which is to glorify God by creating life-impacting experiences that enable young people to know and to grow in their relationship with Jesus Christ.
In addition to the mission, SpringHill holds a number of values that influence the way we think and do ministry. We are about Jesus and his message of grace, hope and love. We are committed to the spiritual and personal growth of children, teens, and young adults. We possess a passionate commitment to be relevant. This translates into the integration of faith and fun, diversity in programming and a resolve to meet and engage every child at their level of maturity and development. We are committed to only do ministry in the context of personal loving and caring relationships. This is why we expend a great deal of time and energy finding, developing, and retaining people who relate to others in such a manner. We also offer a competitive salary and comprehensive benefit package for our staff to meet their personal needs while serving in vital ministry roles. In addition, we are committed to exceed expectations and provide exceptional experience, service and value to our guests. We are always learning and growing, and as a result of this, change is a part of our fabric.