Pre-School Teacher

Rosslyn Academy
in the area of Gigiri, , Kenya
Date Posted: 10/26/2009
Categories: Education
Job Type: Full-Time
Employee Workplace: Unspecified
Job Description:
Openings For 2010-2011 School Year
We are now accepting applications for possible openings this next school year. The positions listed are only possibilities as the Leadership Team and the Board of Governors work at finalizing next year's staffing needs. Most of the positions listed have 1 opening while some positions may be have multiple openings.

Positions are:
• Guidance Counselor
• IT Instructor (Tech. Facilitator)
• HS Science (
• HS Math
• Physical Education (PE)
• Elementary ART Teacher
• Pre-School Teacher
• Elementary School Teacher

Thank you for considering Rosslyn Academy as a possible place for service. Please complete an application from the link below. You may chose to print an application and mail to us or open the Word document, complete, save and email to us. Additionally, please attach the following to your application: a Digital Photograph, a scanned copy or digital copy of your Teacher Certificate and a scanned copy of all transcripts. Copies of unofficial transcripts are acceptable at this time, however if you are selected for a position you will need to submit Official Transcripts.

Rosslyn Academy, a fully accredited K-12 international Christian school, serving the Christian mission community with the US curriculum, is seeking professionals who:

•Are committed to the Lordship of Christ in their life
•Believe that they are called to serve the body of Christ as a teacher
•Demonstrate leadership in their Christian evangelical church
•Hold a BA or higher degree in education
•Have at least two years experience with the US education system
•Possess the interpersonal skills and dispositions to work cooperatively and collaboratively with colleagues as team players
•Possess the literacy, critical thinking and technology abilities associated with the concept of an educated person and are committed to lifelong learning
•Speak and write English fluently and communicate clearly
•Have content knowledge that includes a strong sense of the concepts, purposes and intellectual process associated with the discipline they teach
•Provide a nurturing and caring environment for all students.
•Possess the skills and dispositions necessary to establish a classroom environment that stimulates critical thinking and inquiry
•Model respect for individual differences and appreciation of the basic worth of each individual and culture
•Demonstrate enthusiasm for co-curricular areas


Printable PDF Application Form for mailing to Rosslyn Academy

Microsoft Word Application Form for completion and emailing to Rosslyn Academy

To Contact The School:
P.O. Box 14146 Nairobi, 00800 KENYA
Phone: (-254-20) 7120039, 7120702, 7121303 or U.S. (570) 995-9248
Fax: 7121306


For more information on our Openings for the 2010 – 2011 School Year please visit our Employment Opportunities at Rosslyn Academy on our website.

About Rosslyn Academy

Christian international day school with over 500 students in grades K-12. 48% of the students are from North America. The rest are from 39 different nations. Accredited by MSA & ACSI. Jointly operated by 3 missionary organizations: Mennonite, Southern Baptist, and Assembly of God. International staff. Financially self-sufficient.