Search Results
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Your search for jobs in Birmingham, Alabama resulted in the following jobs within 200 miles.
District OperationsFebruary 5
Choice Books
Atlanta, GA (140 miles) -
Pastor of Assimilation and CareFebruary 12
Emmaus Church
Buford, GA (166 miles) -
Jasper Campus PastorJanuary 28
Revolution Church
Canton, GA (142 miles) -
Director of Traditional WorshipFebruary 13
Carrollton First Methodist Church
Carrollton, GA (100 miles) -
Senior PastorDecember 8
McDonough Road Baptist Church
Fayetteville, GA (135 miles) -
Have You Considered Getting a Degree?
Regent University
Student PastorFebruary 11
Freedom Church
Gallatin, TN (199 miles) -
Delivery Driver - MerchandiserJanuary 23
Choice Books
Nashville, TN (183 miles) -
Executive DirectorFebruary 13
Faith Matters Network
Nashville, TN (183 miles) -
Student PastorJanuary 20
One Heart Community Church
Zebulon, GA (145 miles)
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Next Gen Director
Bridge Cities Church
Bettendorf, Iowa -
Resident Parent / Mentor
NCTA at Happy Hill Farm
Granbury, Texas -
Worship leader/music director
Alachua Methodist Church
Alachua , Florida -
Office Administrator
Tabernacle Bible Church
Wichita, Kansas -
Director of Children's & Family Ministries
Wayne UMC
Wayne, Pennsylvania